Al bimbo che non vide crescere il bosco, 2009

Wood, sand and paint, 56×40.5×38 cm
Mauro Staccioli Archive Museum, Volterra

In 2009, Galleria Il Ponte, jointly with Galleria Niccoli of Parma and the Associazione Fotoimmagine of Volterra, organised the exhibition project “Mauro Staccioli. Volterra – Places of experience” that ideally originated from the solo exhibition “Volterra ’72. Sculture in città”. Staccioli, native of Volterra, succeeds in creating a dialogue with the entire territory around the city, highlighting times and places of a landscape where history, culture and human work meet with his personal memory. In the case of the sculpture Al bimbo che non vide crescere il bosco placed at the crossroads to the village of Mazzolla, Staccioli is moved by the tragedy that happened in that field to a child run over by a bale.
The event marked the artist to such an extent that he decided to create an intervention in that exact site and then dedicate it to that life cut short prematurely. The idea of recreating a “forest” of which the sculpture is the bearer is even more evident in the hypothesis attempted with the scale model in which the stems are more numerous than the final result. As in other projects in which the sculptor’s attention is focused on children, the intervention is charged with a chromatic variety that, together with the idea of the tree, becomes a metaphor for both childhood and growth, becoming adults, living.

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© Enrico Fontolan, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Insitute, Roma. Courtesy Archivio Mauro Staccioli.
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