Muggiò, 1984

A. Firts project: wood, cardboard, sand and paint, 12,3×90,5×81 cm
B. Second project: wood, cardboard, sand and paint, 10,7×81,1×90,4 cm
Mauro Staccioli Archive Museum, Volterra

For the Muggiò square, Staccioli presents two possible proposals for reinterpreting the site, both of wich involve the insertion of five polygonal granite elements. The first hypothesis consists of the insertion of the stone blocks aligned on one side of the square so as to act, at the same time, as a scenic backdrop and visual axis of the access path to the park. The second proposal, on the other hand, plays on the desire to join the surface level to the underground level used for parking, creating continuity between the two levels through five openings to be made in the pavement.

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© Enrico Fontolan, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Insitute, Roma. Courtesy Archivio Mauro Staccioli.
L’Archivio Mauro Staccioli ha collaborato con la Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute di Roma per la digitalizzazione dell’intero corpus documentario afferente ai lavori realizzati o ipotizzati dall’artista, dall’inizio della carriera fino al 1988. Si ringrazia il fotografo Enrico Fontolan, il Digital Humanities Lab e il Fondo Fotografico della Bibliotheca Hertziana per l’enorme lavoro svolto. Tutto il materiale è consultabile online cliccando qui.

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