Mudima ‘92, 1992
Cardboard and paint, 49×16,5×14,5 cm
Mauro Staccioli Archive Museum, Volterra
In 1992, Mauro Staccioli dealt with the vast space of the Fondazione Mudima and its three floors of spacious and articulated rooms. Although the maquette proposes a different type of intervention from the one later realized, it is nonetheless very explanatory of the sculptor’s reflection on the possibilities of the plastic sign in relation to the verticality of the stairs. Staccioli then erected an enormous triangle whose tip rises up to the top floor along the stairwell. To this, he also joins grand wooden discs covered in grey or oxide-red pigmented cement that, wedged between the ceiling and floor, are commensurate with the dimensions of the place and astonished by their “impossible” presence. The alienating effect of oversizing is combined with the precariousness and imbalance that characterize a triangle with a short rounded side. The sculptor’s interventions forcefully enter architectural spaces, not annihilating themselves in these but interacting with the language of architecture, becoming a constructive element.
© Enrico Fontolan, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Insitute, Roma. Courtesy Archivio Mauro Staccioli.
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