WORKS > PROJECTS > Campo del Sole 1985

Tuoro sul Trasimeno ‘85, 1985

Wood, cardboard and paint, 24,5x30x29,7 cm
Mauro Staccioli Archive Museum, Volterra

Between 1985 and 1987, in Tuoro sul Trasimeno, a project conceived by the artists Pietro Cascella, Mauro Berrettini and Cordelia Von Steinen took shape with the critical coordination of Enrico Crispolti: 28 artists from different backgrounds and research directions intervened in the locality of Navaccia, near the lake, meditating on a single theme, the column, and using a single material, the “pietra serena”. The columns are arranged in a caudate spiral, and make the site a modern Stonehenge. Staccioli thinks of a form that, as it is already evident from the hypothesis proposed in the maquette, respecting the column theme, seems to have fallen there from above, a sort of wedge driven into the ground in precarious equilibrium. In fact, if the column is an element born to support a weight, at Campo del Sole this task is not performed; the sculptor thus plays on this ambiguity to construct an autonomous form, a sculpture, aimed at soliciting questions and activating the sensitivity necessary to elaborate answers.

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© Enrico Fontolan, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Insitute, Roma. Courtesy Archivio Mauro Staccioli.
L’Archivio Mauro Staccioli ha collaborato con la Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute di Roma per la digitalizzazione dell’intero corpus documentario afferente ai lavori realizzati o ipotizzati dall’artista, dall’inizio della carriera fino al 1988. Si ringrazia il fotografo Enrico Fontolan, il Digital Humanities Lab e il Fondo Fotografico della Bibliotheca Hertziana per l’enorme lavoro svolto. Tutto il materiale è consultabile online cliccando qui.

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